Contest for a new updated Mixxx Icon

Date Author Jörg Wartenberg Tag icon, logo

Why Mixxx needs a new updated icon

The square Mixxx Icon was created at a time when it was only used to identify the application in the desktop environment of the respective operating system. For this use case, it had to be displayable on low resolution at 16x16px. Mixxx TitleBar It was designed with a specific, outdated theme guideline in mind and always looked odd on all other systems. Mixxx Icon Nowadays, square app icons are no longer only found on the desktop. With the advent of online app stores, the square icon has become the primary identifier for the application. A square icon with a much higher resolution (typical 256x256px) is required here. In the stores we cannot use our rectangular Mixxx Logo due to the low aspect ratio there and since our square icon cannot be easily adapted to the required style guidelines. For example, Mixxx has not met the criteria to be listed as a curated app on Flathub and will therefore always apear on the lower ranks.

Logo vs. Icon -> Common design language

We love our rectangular Mixxx Logo and would therefore like to keep it, but the logo and the icon design have no graphic similarities. Mixxx Logo What we are looking for is to develop a common design language for both. Both should be distinctive as Mixxx brand on their own, as well as combined together.

What we are looking for - and what we are not

We are looking for basic Mixxx Icon, that can be adapted to particular styleguides and resolutions without loosing it's distinctive character. The design should also be basic enough to allow moderinzation in future without replcaing the whole icon again. What we are not looking for are:

  • replacement of the Mixxx Logo
  • one specific file for a particular use case styleguide
  • an icon that only works in one resolution
  • an icon that does not work with rounded corners
  • an icon that does not work with a transparent background

Altering of the Mixxx Logo/icon

We use altered versions of the Mixxx Logo/Icon for different use cases already. For example, we alter the Mixxx Logo for the different GUI skins/themes. Such alterations are not part of the contest, but the design should be basic enough to allow such alterations in the future.

  • The current platform specific variants of the Mixxx Icon are: Mixxx iOS Mixxx macOS

  • The current GUI theme specific variants of the Mixxx Logo are: Mixxx Logo LateNight Classic Mixxx Logo LateNight PaleMoon Mixxx Logo Tango

We also alter the Mixxx Logo for seasonal events like Christmas:

Mixxx Icon Logo Christmas Original Proposal Mixxx Icon Logo Christmas

Examples of other DJ software

The following links show Google image search results for the use of icons by competing DJ software. These are just examples to show the variety of styles and combinations of text Logo and square Icon. The new updated Mixxx Icon should allow for a similar variety of styles and combinations, while it should be distinctive to be recognized as Mixxx.

DJ Studio has even a dedicated subpage with variations of it's Logo and Icon for the use by the DJ Press, explaining the different uses: DJ Studio MediaKit

Platform style guidelines to consider

The following links show the style guidelines for app icons of the most common platforms. It's not part of the contest to provide icons for all platforms, but the design should allow all these adaptations, without loosing it's distinctive character.

Submission guidelines

License and ownership of the design

The Mixxx brand, including logo and icon, is not licensed under the GPL like the software itself. The design is the property of the Mixxx e.V., therefore, it is necessary to sign the Mixxx Contributor Agreement and submit the contest contribution under the terms of this agreement. The Mixxx brand is hold by Mixxx e.V. and used to distinguish the official version of the software provided by the Mixxx development team from forks with altered functionality/quality.

Submission format

All graphics in the submission shall be vector graphics in SVG format. A written guideline in ODT and PDF format shall describe the indended usage of the new Icon, as well standalone, as together with the Mixxx Logo, for the different use cases.

What we offer

The winner of the contest will receive a Mixxx T-Shirt and a Mixxx sticker set. The winner will also be mentioned in the Mixxx credits and on the Mixxx website.

Jörg Wartenberg GitHub profile Discourse profile
Mixxx Core Developer
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