Disclaimer: The blog post primarily serves as the documentation
for the Google Summer of Code 2022
project: "Pitch Shift effect and Group Delay handling". Thus, it contains
a lot more detailed description, than the other Mixxx blog posts.
The project implements the Pitch Shift effect for the Mixxx DJ …
Yes everybody, we officially moved our bug tracking away from Launchpad to
GitHub. If you've never tried to report a bug in Mixxx or wanted to contribute
in other ways, it's very likely you have no idea what this post is about, but if
you do it's even better. No …
After thorough preparation, we're finally moving from Launchpad bugs to GitHub
issues. We'll publish a more detailed blogpost after the migration is done. For
now, We'd just like to let everybody know, that we will disable our bug tracker
on launchpad sometime on Monday the 22nd of
August …
This release features - you guessed it - various bugfixes and improvements:
But since we're not your run-off-the-mill mobile app, we'll get a bit into
Google has accepted two contributor's projects for Mixxx as part of their Google Summer of Code (GSoC). GSoC is a stipend program that allows new contributors to work Mixxx on their own ~175 hours or ~350 hours project.
On 2022-02-24 we received horrible news from Ukraine, which has become even worse since then. As an organization committed to freedom we feel the urge speak up and show solidarity with Ukraine.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine is unjustified and has already been condemned by the UN as a violation of …
Since the dawn of DJing, spinning vinyl records has never really gone out of fashion.
Even when CDs became popular in 90s and most music listeners happily phased out their record players, the classical "two turntables and a mixer" setup stayed the epitome of DJing.
In recent years, digital DJ …